fredag 9. desember 2011

Day 69 Saturday Progress Report

I did the count today finally, you will notice that the daily count is back in the subject.
We are almost at the half way mark of my Flex Leave, after which I will begin training on some software I am likely to use at work. This week I will try to get back into the daily updates, even though they are a pain in the ass, I think they are needed to make sure I keep motivated each day. 

Since last time I have worked a little more with Blender, I have been sculpting simple faces, and learning about topology of a good animatable mesh. I need to get back into the regular diary updates, but have been fighting off a cold, which is enough to kill my motivation. We had first snowfall on Wednesday Night, while Terese and I were out at a friends Doctoral Dinner. Mormor and Arve were kind enough to look after Alex, which meant that we were out till 11:15, a novel experience. Thursday night we had friends that are leaving Oslo for USA soon. Again we realize that we need to work harder to keep in contact with some of these guys while they are in Oslo. Nice night.

As a bit of a deviation, I had a meeting with a friend yesterday that gave me an idea for an application, which he wanted to implement in HTML5. I researched it for a few hours last night, and I will be trying to put together a prototype and some design documents for him over the next few days so he can investigate taking it to developers. As I got the specs and investigated possible ways to implement the app last night it felt awesome to be working on something solid again.

I believe HTML5 and web based services are good candidates for technologies to learn for work in the coming months, so it will be fun to put the sample together for my friend.

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