onsdag 2. november 2011

Day? Update

Ok, a couple of changes. Context switching, even once a day doesn't seem to be working for me, so I think I will work one week at a time. This matches better sprint suggested lengths and hopefully will let me buckle down more than I have been doing. It is amazing how much harder it is to get study into a routine now, as opposed to five years ago... I wonder what has changed ;). Also instead of effort based scheduling I should switch to deliverables, it is not enough that I spend x hours, I find it all to easy to be distracted and then 'tick off' the time anyway. Today for example I finished a chapter from my blender book, I will do the same tomorrow. Pic attached, again it doesn't look like much, but today I worked on understanding the animation system, the core bunch in the pic is ringed by three spheres that circle around on various types of animations. Tomorrow's pic should look a bit more interesting.

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