mandag 3. oktober 2011

Day 1

My better half Terese had a free day, so not so much done today towards the master plan. Still, we had a good scavenging visit, and in addition to two new seats for Alex and some kitchen things I got some nice boards for the home office (one pictured below). I have set up a rolling two week methodology and even populated a few days worth of activities. The activity grain is going to be two things a day, should be an ok balance between planning and complexity. Tomorrow I study for my upcoming testing certification, and finalise my updated CV in the latest company template. Wed will be more test work, then fleshing out the backlog and figuring out how much I am likely do be able to get done in the first three months.
This will be my 2 weekly plan. Terrible iPhone 3GS camera - I miss my Nokia!

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