lørdag 16. oktober 2021

The Dunning Kruger effect

There’s a lot of power in the Dunning Kruger effect.
It’s thrown about often as a jokey attack on people who talk with great confidence on a topic they know nothing about.

But it is also a call for self reflection

My interpretation of the key message there is that we are all incapable of being experts on everything - so it’s a good idea to rely on expert opinions when faced with an area we are not experts in. (phew that’s wordy, but I think it reads right)
Obviously it can be hard at times to find the right experts - but with most big topics there is a group consensus of experts available from reputable government sponsored politically independent organizations. Not trusting them is assuming a radical conspiracy by the government to deceive- that by definition makes you a radical conspiracy theorist. That is not the group of people one reads good things about in the news.

søndag 24. mars 2019

IPad repair part 1.

My hopes for a bit of DIY iPad care this weekend were shattered when I opened the pack from China and found the new digitizer didn't make it. :'( . I have ordered another one straight away. At 90kr a pop I can try to get this sheet of glass though the mail another 12 times and still save money on the local repairshop cost.

mandag 25. september 2017

An easy cure for range anxiety.

Our next car is going to be electric and the biggest decision is how much battery is enough. My daily commute is only 20 km in each direction so i technically only need a range of 50km for about 95% of my driving, but occasionally would like to take a day trip without having to stop and charge. Carrying all that battery for 5% of my trips seems like a big waste of energy. Something like a trailer battery pack seems like the perfect solution to electric car range issues doesnt it? It is a pity the Tesla X is the only el car that can tow from the factory at the moment. Come on car makers - standardize connections for power packs and lets move on from range anxiety. The only disadvantages i see are the need for bigger car parks, difficulty reversing and extra set of tires to maintain but i think not carrying all that unused capacity around 95% of the time would be enough compensation.

mandag 3. april 2017

2017-002 remote for kitchen fan

The most disappointing part with our new Kitchen is the fan. you have to lean under the top to reach the buttons and the supplied remote is ok but never where you want it to be.

This brief is to create a mobile friendly interface for the fan and light.

Pulled apart the original rc

 to find out some details on the internal circuits, I was able to find out the brand of PLC innside () and found the datasheet for it

 but I don't have the skillz yet to do much with it.

remote transmitter 433.82 frequency.

I reached out to the Italian manufacture who referred me to the Norwegian supplier.

P2017-003 garage door sensor

This weekend i have got the pieces working for an ultrasonic ethernet project
The project is set up to warn when the garage door is open.
Using a sensor the solution will determine if the garage door is open and if it is open too long warn the owners.


arduino nano - 

breadboard and cables.

ultrasonic sensor - 04 

ethernet shield - http://www.banggood.com/ENC28J60-Ethernet-Shield-Network-Module-V1_0-For-Arduino-Nano-p-1013491.html?rmmds=myorder

philips hue lights - 

ifttt - maker connection

power supply for nano - 

The ultrasonic sensor was surprisingly easy to get working, thanks to a clever blog post by...

The ethernet was also easy - but I had to include different libraries to the standard arduino ones but this was api compatible so the tutorial code was still enough to connect up to the web.


Robot arm

I ordered a robot arm from ebay before we moved out and promised alex it would be one of the first things we built in the new workshop.

Through a few weekends Alex and I have completed the kit.
The first half was done with a #0 screwdriver and it was a bit hard to screw the screws in to the plastic frame. Half way through I took a trip to the local hardware store and got some new drivers.
With a #1 the screws glide in to the plastic - so much so that Alex was able to complete the last stages with bery little help.

Anyway - -here's the finished product.
Next ideas -
connect up to wireless remote control
Unfortunately the current wired control is not just a signal voltage - the actual power to run the electric motors goes through the control unit - this will make remote control a bit harder as we need to duplicate the power with relays or some giant transistors.
Connect to Kinect so it knows where it is.
Put it on wheels. Not so practical unless I can solve the first actions. needs lots of power.

søndag 6. januar 2013

Raspberry Pi up and going

I picked up the new case for my latest toy from the post box Saturday, so decided to put the work into putting it all together.

Using the information on this page :

I grabbed the image 2012-12-16-wheezy-raspbian.img and using the super lazy RPi-sd card builder v1.2.app script I was able to write the image to an 8 GB SD card that I had spare.

The card is only a Type 2, so probably a bit slow, but it was enough to get things up and going.

The script actually failed with an error, unable to eject SD card, but it still created the needed partitions on the card and using it I was able to boot the raspberry pi.

The wireless Microsoft 7000 keyboard and mouse that I have worked with no issues, as did the HDMI connection into one of my monitors.

Not sure what to do with it now, but something using the USB interface board that I made earlier seems like a good place to start.